Monday 3 November 2014

jobs journey to Apple Inc.


Steve jobs/ Steve Paul jobs(February 24,1955) was an american entrepreneur, marketer, inventor and co-founder/ Chairman of Apple Inc. It is an american multinational corporation head-quartered in Cupertino, California. It designs and sells consumer's electronics , personal computer , computer software other consumer's gadgets, etc.

Jobs was born in San Francisco(February 24,1955) and adopted at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Clara Jobs. At the age of 5 jobs family moved from San Francisco to Mount View. Paul Jobs was a mechanic and a carpenter , He taught his son rudimentary electronics and how to work with his hands , He also showed him how to work on electronics by showing how to re-build electronics gadgets in their family garage. As a result Steve developed his interest in technical field and started messing around with electronic gadgets.

Clara Steve's mother was an accountant who taught him to read before he went to school. Afterwards, In school time's job is dissatisfied by personal schooling, he generally played pranks on others in his childhood and due to which he was made to skip one grade on account his test scores ,At that time he also became friend with Bill Fernandez, who introduced job with the neighbourhood boy Steve Wozniak also known as Woz. In 1969 Woz started building a little computer board with Fernandez which they named as ''The Cream soda computer''(because they both drank cream soda all the time working on it). They showed it to Jobs and he find it really interesting.

In 1972 after high school Jobs enrolled him self at Reeds collage, in Portland, Oregon. Which was an expensive collage for his parent's to afford to, But they spend all of their lifetime savings in his higher studies. But after six months Steve found it worthless and dropped out. And he started taking creative classes which didn't interested him either and he begin dropping it once again, looking for far more interesting. Fortunately he ended up taking calligraphy classes which due to which Mac's operating system got it's multiple type faces(proportionally spaced front),  which you see in any other operating system now a day's.

In 1972 Woz designed his own version of video game Pong which Steve took it down to Atari.Inc where they thought that jobs had built it and gave him the job of a technician.

While that time Steve travelled to India around for seven months and visited various spiritual places met many spiritual monks in search of spirituality.

After coming back from India Steve was totally transformed and joined back Atari where he was assigned to create a circuit board for the arcade video game and offered 1000$ for each chip he designed. But Steve had a bit knowledge of circuit board, So asked for held from his best friend Woz and made a deal with him. And then Woz designed it beautifully made it compact which amazed the engineers at Atari as well. After that Woz had designed low cost digital Blue box which generate necessary tones to manipulate the telephone network for making free long distance calls. And jobs decided to sell them make some money out of it and it got well. Then at this time Jobs found that electronic is profitable and fun as well.

In 1975 Jobs started attending meeting of Homebrew computers club with Woz. At that time he is great admirer of ''Edwin H Land'' founder of Polaroid computers from where he explicitly modelled his own carrier.

Apple. Inc

Then in 1976 Steve and Woz formed his own company Apple Corporations in his parent's garage with four to five employees. They recieved funding from semi-retired Intel product marketing manager and engineer Mike Markkula. After that Woz built apple 1 by his own.

Firstly in 1978 they recruited Mike Scott from National semiconductor to serve as CEO for few years from 1978-1983. Then jobs baited John Sculley from Pepsi cola to serve as CEO of Apple by asking

''Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?''    

In 1980's jobs was among the first one to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse driven graphical user interface developed by California's Xerox engineers but rejected by Xerox board press. But Steve and his guy looted like ''Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan on a bunch of miserable villagers'' on the Xerox head office and slipped their technology into Apple's Lisa which is the first ever personal computer to offer a graphical user interface which is an inexpensive machine aimed at individual business users.

AS just like Steve always believed in Picasso quotes:  

''God artist copy great artist steal''

While that time Steve was seen as Persuasive and charismatic director for Apple. while by some of the employees at apple described him as erratic and temperamental manager.

Declining sales aroused differences between the working relationship of Jobs and Sculley, which gradually developed into a power struggle between the two. Rather jobs started working devilishly day and night, He started taking up and running meeting past midnight and sending out lengthy faxes and calling meeting again at 07:00 AM sharp , This made the apple employ's frantic. Due to which on April 10th and 11th in board meeting of Apple the board of directors gave Sculley authority to remove Jobs from all roles except chairman  assigned him to an undetermined positions, Jobs has also removed from managerial duties as of Macintosh team as well. And finally jobs left with no duties exiled from the company and later he resigned as the chairman of Apple till he turned 30.


In 1985 with $7 million dollar Jobs founded Next and a year later they ran out of funds, But fortunately he attracted the attention of Billionaire Ross Perot, who believed on Steve and invested heavily in his company. Then company is shown to the world and it was seen as return of jobs. In 1990's next work station priced at $9,999 as it is technically advanced as Lisa workstation. Their in NEXT they developed many innovative products like Mach Kernel designed digital signal processor chip and built in Ethernet port. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web on Next computer at CERN.

In 1986 Jobs bought Graphics group and later renamed as Pixar, from Lucas Film's for $10 million. Firstly they they produced the Animated movie TOY STORY(1995) in which jobs credited as executive producer, which bought fame to the studio. In next 15 years, under Pixar's creative chief John Lasseter, the company produced box-office hits A Bug's Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999); Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding Nemo (2003); The Incredibles (2004); Cars (2006); Ratatouille (2007); WALL-E (2008); Up (2009); and Toy Story 3 (2010). Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up and Toy Story 3 each received the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, an award introduced in 2001.

JOBS Back to Apple

In 1995-1996 under the guidance of CEO Gil Amelio, Apple is going down on profits. As a remarkable mark of event in February 1997 Apple bought NEXT for $427 million. and brought Jobs back to Apple. Then jobs concentrate Apple's efforts on returning to profitability, He terminated a number of projects, such as Newton, Cyberdog, and OpenDoc. He also licensed the programs for the Macintosh, which reserved the copyrights of the program with the company. With the purchase of NEXT, much of the company's technology found its way into Apple products, most notably NeXTSTEP, which evolved into Mac OS X. Under Jobs's guidance, the company increased sales significantly with the introduction of the iMac and other new products; since then, appealing designs and powerful branding have worked well for Apple. 

At Macworld Expo,(2000) Jobs officially dropped the "interim" modifier from his title at Apple and became permanent CEO.

Then company subsequently branched out,Introducing and improving upon other digital appliances. With the introduction of the iPod portable music player, iTunes digital music software, and the iTunes Store, the company made forays into consumer electronics and music distribution. On June 29, 2007, Apple entered the cellular phone business with the introduction of the iPhone, a multi-touch display cell phone, which also included the features of an iPod and, with its own mobile browser, revolutionized the mobile browsing scene.

In August 2011, Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple, but remained with the company as chairman of its board. Hours after the announcement, Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares dropped five percent in after-hours trading, And also for Walt Disney Co. (DIS) shares dropped 1.5 percentThis relatively small drop, when considering the importance of Jobs to Apple, was associated with the fact that his health had been in the news for several years, and he had been on medical leave since January 2011, After Steve left. 

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